How to Convert a Golf Cart to Lithium Batteries
You’ve done it! You’ve taken the time to research lithium batteries, learned about all the benefits, calculated the cost savings over time, and decided it’s time to make the switch! Or maybe you’re still on the fence because you’re worried about how to convert your cart.
Whether you’ve actually made the purchase or not, you could probably use some instruction on how to convert your golf cart over to the new batteries. Well, you could just take it into the shop and pay someone else to do it. But honestly, it’s not that difficult to do it yourself. If you’ve changed out your lead-acid batteries in the past, installing the lithium batteries will be a breeze. Even if you haven’t, this guide will walk you through the steps and have you heading out for a ride before you know it.
Step 1: Remove the Old Lead-Acid Batteries
This may seem obvious, but the first step is to disconnect and take out the old batteries. Since each battery weighs between 55 and 85 pounds, that’s no mean feat! Especially when you’ll be lifting four to six of them, depending on your setup.
After you’ve removed all the lead-acid batteries, you may want to clean out the battery hold with a hose and let it dry before you start your installation. The good news is that lithium batteries don’t contain acid, so you won’t have to apply a corrosive block to the frame, like you would if you were installing new lead-acid batteries.
Step 2: Insert the New Lithium Batteries
This step will be a lot easier than the first. Lithium batteries are a third of the weight of lead-acid, and most come with a convenient handle, making them much easier to lift into your golf cart and get in place. Plus, you’ll only need three for a 36V cart and four for a 48V cart.
You can put them in any of the six available slots, but it’s better if you can put them on whichever side of your cart has the system positive and negative wires. This makes it easier to get them connected. Another thing that will make this step easier is facing all the batteries in the same direction. While this isn’t necessary and isn’t possible in all golf carts, it is helpful if it works with your cart!
Step 3: Hook Up the Cables
If you’ve purchased your lithium batteries from Patriot Power Source, you’ll be using the included wiring kit. Don’t worry about the capacity meter yet, as you’ll want to test that your batteries are working and charging properly before you install that. We’ll go over the steps now, but your kit will come with a full set of instructions as well. These will only change slightly between a 36V and a 48V. Basically, you’ll just be adding a fourth battery for the 48V. You can also take a look at the graphics below.
- The first thing you’ll need to do is attach the system positive to the first positive terminal in the series circuit.
- Then you’ll attach the system negative to the last terminal.
- Next, attach the charging positive to the first positive terminal.
- Lastly, you’ll attach the charging negative to the last negative terminal in the series circuit.
- Ensure that all your connections are tight and clean and secure your batteries from moving. Like lead acid batteries, our lithium batteries are installed in a series connection.

Step 4: Install Your Capacity Meter
Now that you’ve got your batteries connected, you’ll want to install your capacity meter. This meter is also included when you purchase your batteries from Patriot Power Source and will allow you to check the state of charge in real time.
You’ll receive directions on how to use your capacity meter, but for now here’s a quick monitor display description so you have an idea of what each button controls.

You’ll need to get your meter connected to your golf cart (steps to do so, as well as a diagram, will be included in the package you receive). Once you’ve got everything connected, follow the instructions to set up your capacity meter. Then you’ll need to mount it. It can be mounted anywhere, depending on your cart and setup. You’ll need a 2 ⅛ hole saw bit to cut the hole. Once that’s done, you’ll use the included hardware bracket to secure the meter as shown below.

Step 5: Check the Charge / Charge the Batteries
Once you’ve got your capacity meter installed, connect your batteries to the charger. The meter will pulsate and show a charging battery along with the percentage. Another benefit to lithium batteries is they only take an hour to get to 80% and less than four hours to charge fully. This means you’ll be able to take your golf cart on a test drive within the hour!
Step 6: Enjoy the Ride
Once your batteries are charged, you’re ready to hit the road! Whether you’re off to the golf course or on a ride around the neighborhood, your golf cart is ready to go. With lithium batteries, you’ll get full performance at any charge, from 100 to 0%. No more worrying about making it up the next hill or slowing down to a snail’s pace halfway through the ride; your golf cart now offers a reliable, consistent ride every time. You will notice a night and day difference and we are confident you will be satisfied with your purchase of Lithium Batteries!